Sunday, January 27, 2013

One year anniversary

I have been feeling inarticulate in expressing myself. Today is the year anniversary of being told that I had breast cancer. Breast cancer was not as hard for me as the problems that I had with my left leg.

I am doing well. I get around my apartment with my walker and have been able to take of are of myself, at least basically. I wash the dishes, which requires so much focus to keep my balance. I practice my physical therapy every day and getting up off the floor. I feel stronger every day.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hearts for Jen fundraiser

My friend Elissa has generously offered to create a fundraiser at her shop Nice Things Handmade, on East Passyunk Ave. The theme is "Hearts for Jen". Hearts will be sold for $5 and funds will help me with medical bills. Consider making a heart and coming to the opening show on February 9th.

Anyone who would like to participate can make a heart with their favorite materials- paper, fabric, clay, plastic, string, paint, ink, wax, metal, wood, etc. - and send it (or bring it) to:

Nice Things Handmade
1731 East Passyunk Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19148

by February 2nd.

The opening for the show is February 9th from 6pm - 10pm.

Thank you so much.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I spent a week at my parents' house in NJ. I got back to Philadelphia on Thursday. It was the first time being back in my apartment in about 6 weeks. Somehow it didn't seem completely familiar. My sister is staying with me to help out.

I had my first chemo (of this round) on Friday. My godmother drove all the way from New Hampshire to pick us up from chemo and help me get settled into my apartment. We were ambitious; we wanted to rearrange the living room and put away all the things in boxes and bags, from the hospital. We also went shopping for supplies.

Last night, I didn't feel great. Today I feel worse. My belly is achy and nauseous. I can't wait to not have to cope with daily nausea.

I am getting around pretty well though. I am getting used to having a little leg. Lat night, I dreamt that I was walking up the street. I was aware that I only have 1 leg that reaches the ground, but somehow I was walking anyway. I only have a few more weeks before I get my prosthesis. I am so excited.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Home again

Yay! I keep saying it and I keep thinking it. I can't stop smiling either. I am out of Magee and am sitting in ann easy chair at Ken's house. Yay!

Also, I had my stitches out yesterday at an appointment with Dr. Lind. He said that when they did the pathology report on my leg, they saw that all the cancer was dead. Sneaky's dead body was so big that it wasn't breaking down before infection set in. I saw Dr. Rubin today and she emphasized what good news that pathology report was. She said she asked them to triple check. She suggested that I start chemo next week. It will be a "gentler" chemo and my hair will grow back. She said it will be once a week for 4 months or so. I can handle that. I imagined that it would be even longer.

Otherwise, everything looks good to me. I didn't write much in the hospital because I didn't have much to say. Three hours of therapy takes a lot of energy.