Wednesday, March 7, 2012

chemo #2

(This entry is brought to you by Percoset, Gatorade, and a mighty chemo hangover.)

Yesterday, I had my second dose of chemo. The nurse couldn't get my port to bleed, so she suggested using a vein in my arm. She tried, but I don't have easy veins. They like to hide from sharp objects. She found one in my hand, but it wouldn't bleed enough either. The nurse went back to the port and flushed it before starting the anti-nausea and Benedryl drips.

The doc said that Lumpy is smaller and not stuck to the skin wall anymore. Yay!! I can't see it anymore. Before, it kinda stretched the skin on my breast, like a mini baby bump in the wrong spot. She also said that this chemo would not be worse than the first one.

I told my friend that I should be done around 2 or 3, but we ended up not getting done till after 5ish.

I feel ok today, just very tired with chills. I am waiting to have the energy to get up to go to the bathroom.

needle count: 18
touch count: 12

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