Sunday, July 7, 2013


While visiting my folks, I went for a swim in the pool. I felt nervous about getting in and out of the pool. I just sat down on a towel on the edge of the deck and scooted onto the pool steps and into the water.

My little leg felt so many sensations in the water. It felt pretty intense. My little leg is hardly ever exposed. During the day, I wear my liner and prosthesis; at night, I wear my Shrinker. The little leg wiggled as the water pushed against it. I got used to the sensation though and had a ton of fun.


  1. Yay for swimming! Plus, you look totally ripped in this picture. Side benefit of crutching!

    1. Kristin, I feel like I could do really well in an arm wrestling contest. My arms, abs, and right leg have never been so strong.

    2. Kristin, I feel like I could do really well in an arm wrestling contest. My arms, abs, and right leg have never been so strong.
