Thursday, August 15, 2013


About a year ago, I was diagnosed with sarcoma in my left leg and metastases in my lungs. It's my cancer-versery.

In that year, I have had over 40 chemo sessions; been radiated over 30 times, had my world shrink to my apartment, then just my bed; have my world expand again to my whole apartment, then my neighborhood; lost a leg; gained a prosthesis; learned to walk with the prosthesis and a walker; learned to crutch with the prosthesis; spent lots of nights in hospitals; and spent most holidays in hospitals. This past weekend, I showered standing up for the first time in well over a year. It was thrilling. I haven't been able to stop talking about it.

After spending 9 months on Percocet, OxyContin, gabapentin, and morphine, I was so happy to be pain drug free in January. Now, I am back to taking 3-4 Percocets a day and choosing between reduced pain and reduced balance. Dr. Rubin said that the scans from last week did not show cancer anywhere but in my lungs. Yay! There is some activity in my little leg; I will ask her about it tomorrow.

Also, tomorrow I have my first mammogram following Herceptin. It's going to be exciting. I am probably going to sleep as soon as I get home.

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