Wednesday, April 11, 2012

cancer blues

I've been feeling pretty down lately. It's a combination of things. I have trouble sleeping and wake up about 4 or 5 times a night because my leg hurts. I haven't gotten my appetite back all the way since I had food poisoning, but I do try to eat. It hurts to walk and to stand. My nose is always running (yay, herceptin!). Also, I've had my period for about 6 weeks now. I have also been dealing with really stressful crazy people, and not even at work. I'm not going to get into that, but it was way too much to handle.

Yesterday, I read that 80% of children with adrenal cancer have Li Fraumeni Syndrome, which made me more upset. I had adrenal cancer as a baby and folks with LFS tend to develop cancers at a higher rate than other folks. I don't want to have to do this again. I can't think about it now. Besides, the docs are already doing genetic testing on me, though I doubt they'll find either BRCA1 or BRCA2.

I took today off from work. I wanted to do stuff with the day, but mostly I've been lounging with my knee up on pain killers. The swelling is down enough that my super comfy tall socks can fit up to my left knee, though they can go over my right knee. I walked to a coffee shop less than 2 blocks away and had to stop to rest before I got there. I hate feeling so weak and so delicate.

Oh, and I did my taxes. $0 to me. $0 to the government. Easy peasy.

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