Bunky is snoring loudly as I write this entry.
On Friday, I felt so certain that I was cancer free that I was excited to get the news from the CT Scan. I tried to talk my way toward a more even view, but felt like I had treatment for sarcoma most weeks since November. I thought that there was no way this teensy bit of cancer could have survived all those tremendous chemicals.
Well, I was (mostly) wrong. Dr. Rubin explained that the cancer is bigger in some areas than it was in August. Some of it is smaller. Some of it disappeared. I feel pretty down about it. It may have grown when the focus was on the leg. It may have shrunk during chemo this year, but we don't know because we didn't scan it for eight months. Bummer. On the other hand, no cancer was seen anywhere else in my chest, abdomen, or pelvis. Fantastic. Chemo is getting changed up. It will be every other Friday, which might lead to more good days. The emotional roller coaster of having cancer has gotten old. I want to be well. I want to trust that my body isn't busy trying to kill me.
I have been cranky all weekend. I am in a wheelchair, trying to rest my left shoulder. I probably wrenched it when I fell off the barstool last week. I likely already had muscle strain from walking too much the week before. I am going to the chiropractor this week.
Luckily, my family visited and helped me deal with all these things. Yesterday, my parents visited with me and gave me some perspective on my health. My sisters and niece and nephew came down today. We had strawberry shortcake and watched Dumbo.
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