Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Two shoes

I spent this weekend visiting my family in North Jersey. There was a memorial service in church for all of my grandparents and some of my other relatives. I wore a shoe with a little heel and managed the steps beautifully. People were so excited to see me relatively healthy. It was good to visit with everyone.

Today I met my friends Mia and Nicole for lunch. We drove over to a Thai restaurant. It was really good to get out of my immediate neighborhood and to switch up my food a little but. We talked for a while over our soups. Then Mia drove me home. Right after we came inside, my prosthetist came over with a leg for me to try out.

I changed into shorts and gave Jeff a shoe to put on the prosthetic foot. Then I stood while Jeff put on the leg. He had to turn the socket as he pushed it up to my hip. I felt so excited to look down and see two feet.

Jeff guided me in moving my walker forward and taking a step forward with my left foot. I followed with my right. I slowly walked from my living room couch to the furthest wall of my kitchen. I turned around and came back. It was thrilling. Jeff showed me a switch on the back of the knee that I could turn so the knee would bend. I tried it and sat down on the couch. After a rest, I practiced walking again. It was hard to tell if my foot was touching the floor.

My hip muscles are still so tight that my left leg kept drifting up in front of me, unless I consciously tightened my butt muscles. Jeff said that he would shift the leg so that the foot was more underneath me instead of in front of me. The next step is to decide what I want the socket to look like. It could be made in different colors or with a favorite t-shirt. I have to think about it. Then I meet with Jeff again before going back to Dr. Lax. Exciting stuff!

Also, my CAT Scan was rescheduled for next week. I can't wait to find out whether I am cancer free.


  1. My wife has pink lightning bolts on her socket. She lost her lower leg to sarcoma a little over three years ago. She dealt a lot with phantom pains for a while, but they eventually went away. Something that helped was mirror therapy. I don't know if you're experiencing any phantom pains, but if you are, you might want to look in it. My wife was a bit wierded out by it a first because of how real it seemed to her. She gets around pretty great now and has even run a partial marathon using a running "C" leg. Good luck with your scan!!

  2. Thanks, Jason. It really helps to hear that your wife is doing so well. It makes walking seem more doable.
