Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chemo #6 recovery

I am still recovering from Chemo on Monday. I am exhausted, but I have been having trouble sleeping because of my leg hurting. Luckily, my neighbor got a prescription for 100 percosets filled. I used to have to get a new prescription every time I ran out. These should last me for a while.

I am monitoring my temperature. Yesterday, I was low; It ranged from 95.9 to 97.8. That's not bad. Today, it's been edging to 99.9, with a terrible headache. I am going to try drinking more water.

I have been on and off nauseous today, despite the anti-nausea pills. Water tastes bad, like ocean water sitting in a rusty can. I have been trying watered down Gatorade and watered down teas, instead. I was able to leave my place today. I got a chai and bread with butter and jam. I didn't finish the bread or the tea, but I tried.


  1. Aw man Jen, I was hoping that leg would start feeling better already. I wish I was there to keep you company while you eat a little bread and chair. XO

    1. Stupid text prediction! CHAI. please don't drink any chairs.
