Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lumpy 2 update

I haven't really had Internet access recently. My upstairs neighbor moved out, taking wireless with her. I ordered it, but it looks like my phone lines don't work. I don't know how to solve this. Also, I am on a ton of painkillers. That's probably why I can't figure it out.

Wednesday, I went to the hospital for my knee because it had been so bad Monday and Tuesday that's couldnt sleep. As i stepped into the building, people who were waiting asked the guard for a wheelchair for me. The doctor wouldn't see me because my referral had not been completed. I waited in the lobby, half slumped and half awake. My friend joined me and we headed up (different floor) for an MRI of my breasts. There was no visible cancer. Yay! I still got a shot (for contrast dye) and had a hard time holding still for the pain in my back, hips, bones, and my left leg.

Thursday, I went back to the hospital with a friend to see dr junkin, the orthopedic dr who had aspirated my knee in hospital. He gave me a shot of lidocaine and tried to aspiratemy knee, but nothing came. He sent me for an ultrasound guided aspiration on Friday.

Friday, Ken dropped me off at the hospital and I requested a wheelchair immediately. Iwas transported to the procedures area. I was in a ton of pain. The seat of the wheelchair seemed to press to hardon my body. I couldn't get comfortable. The nurse said that I could take Percocet. I did and started to relax. The doctor aspirated 90 something cc's of fluid, about 3 ounces. Afterward, I took a nap, thanks to the pressure relief and the painkillers.

Today, I can still barely walk. I am about where I was Monday, in terms
of pain and mobility. I am very frustrated and a little nervous about how swollen my foot is. I feel bored and isolated from everyone. I would love some cheer up phone calls or messages.

Needle count: 41
(it was 34, 1 for MRI, 2 for Thursday, and 4 for Friday.)

1 comment:

  1. Love you girl! My phone finally broke forever, will text when I get it straightened out. Sending big love and wishes for the pain to lighten up. XO
