Wednesday, June 27, 2012

chiropractor and acupuncture

On Monday, I took a cab to my chiropractor and acupuncturist Renaissance Center for Healing Arts in Center City. I love working with this couple. I start to feel better when I walk into the lobby.

I started with Jim, the chiropractor. He reminded me that bodies like to be healthy and that everything will get better with time. He adjusted my back and neck. As he did so, my lower back started to feel very nicely warm. He said it was because the adjustment had increased the blood flow, which should help. He also showed me some stretches I could try to help my lower back and hips, as they've been sore from my limping.

Then, I saw Jackie, the acupuncturist. She put cups with suction edges against my knee, kind of like giant bowl-shaped leeches, as a way to bring down the inflammation in the knee. She also placed needles in my feet, hands, arms, ears, and scalp. I rested like that for about 10 minutes. I got very cold and shivery.When she came back in, she said that the swelling in my knee had gone down. I felt better.

It took me about an hour to get from there to work because I had to take so many breaks in stopping on the way to and from the subway. I think that the treatments were helpful, though, since I took less painkillers than I usually do.


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