Monday, October 14, 2013

More chemo #4 recovery

I have been exhausted since chemo on Friday. My parents came to visit on their way to vacationing in was good to see them and I was reasonably awake during the visit.

I had enough energy to walk home from Ken's house (with his help) on Sunday. We stopped (and rested) at a street festival on the way. I had a cup of blueberry lemonade ice cream and sat with friends while Ken dropped stuff off at my place. It was gorgeous out, but I started to get cold. Ken bought me a hat. Then I started to get tired. Very tired. We walked the rest of the way home. I put on pajamas and went straight to bed.

I woke up a few hours later at 7. Then I got wildly, horribly sick in all kinds of ways. It's hard enough getting sick. it is even harder when you have mobility issues and cannot run to the bathroom or easily clean up after yourself. Ice cream was a bad choice. The last few times I tried it, I have become sick, too. I may not try it again. My food options dwindle every time I get sick. I sometimes cannot get myself to try that food again. No chocolate. No ice cream. Nothing salty. Nothing spicy. No yogurt. No mushrooms. No onions. No beer (because it tastes terrible without my sense of smell). Meat is pretty hit or miss. The list goes on. Of course, I am barely eating these days. I had about half a waffle and half a sandwich today. I am trying, but its hard when I am either getting sick or sleep(y/ing) most of the time.

Today, I have struggled to stay awake for more than a few hours at a time. I managed a shower, which I had put off because I simply didn't have the energy. I ordered groceries and sewed a felt cupcake. I drew a little. I got sick a little. Mostly, I felt down about not having energy. I just want to feel good and walk around like its no big deal, like I used to be able to do. When I don't practice as much, I feel a little sad and overwhelmed at how hard everything is. I miss the old normal of my life. I miss not having cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was there to sew some sprinkles on that cupcake with you. Love you Jen xo
