Saturday, October 5, 2013


Finally my energy seems back after my chemo session last week. Life is infinitely easier when walking across a room does not induce napping. It is hard to function when you are too tired to focus on a movie plot. 

I had fantastic therapy with Deb on Thursday. I got to ride a (stationary) bike! And stand on a cool machine that measures weight distribution between your feet. When I thought I was 50/50 with my weight even on my feet, I actually had 70% of my weight on my left prosthetic) foot. That surprised Deb and me.

Today I spent girl time with Emily and Nicole. We chatted at my place and then drove up to Royal Tavern for lunch. I had a Bloody Mary and a burger. I can tolerate more spice now, yay! Though my belly was pretty upset right afterwards, it was worth it. It was worth just being out of the house and in a place I hadn't gone in years. I ate half my burger (a lot for me). Success!

Then Emily and I went to Green Street Consignment shop to get her a dress for her brother's wedding. She tried on dresses and I sat in a comfy chair by the shoes. Nothing fit. As we started to leave, Emily pulled out a pair of bright red skinny corduroys a few sizes too big for me. I said, "Let's try them." 

I asked her to come into the dressing room with me. There was no chair. I popped off my leg and handed it to Emily. Then I sat on the floor in my shorts. I slid them off while she took my sneaker off the prosthesis. Then we dressed the leg. I got off the floor and, with Emily's help, donned the leg. Then I finished putting on the pants. I turned and looked in the mirror. The leg didn't look too weird with these pants. I would need a belt but the pants looked good. I stood in the checkout line with them. The computers were down, so the salesclerk had to manually run credit cards. As we waited, Emily saw a navy blue cocktail dress and tried it on. It looked perfect on her. Success!

We left the store without a single person asking me about my leg. I mean, there were stares. But no comments. More success!

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