Friday, June 28, 2013

Lost my job

I have to get COBRA to continue my medical benefits so that I can continue my fight against metastatic sarcoma (the Rebel forces) in my lungs.

Yay! Because I wasn't too busy with killing cancer cells and learning to walk. 

I could write a bluesy song: I got the cancer and the cancer and a blood clot. Then I lost my leg and my job. I guess if I had a wife who left me and a dog who ran away, I would have a hit.


  1. fuck this! You are a much better person than I, Jen. Because I can't laugh about this. It makes me furious. Not that you want to post it here, but out of curiosity, how much is COBRA per month?

    1. I am pretty angry about the way it was done. I can't even tell the full story because I get way too upset. I am qualified for COBRA, but, have not received any information about it. I left multiple voicemails the last few days. COBRA varies because it has to do with the specifics of your health insurance plan, but it often costs at least $500/month.

  2. SHIT.

    I was qualified for COBRA once and it was cheaper for me to go get insurance on my own. In your case tho....SHIT.
