Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving weekend

On Thanksgiving, after my nurse changed the dressing on my knee, I left my apartment. I scooted down the stairs and into my wheelchair. From the wheelchair, I pulled myself up into the backseat of Ken's car and arranged my leg. We drove to Wildwood to join his parents for Thanksgiving. When we arrived, I pulled myself from the car into my chair. We rode into the garage then I pulled myself up the stairs and back into the wheelchair.

I enjoyed dinner. I especially enjoyed getting out of my apartment and seeing other people. By evening, I was exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open. When I went to bed, I needed to use a tiny 2-step ladder to climb onto the mattress. Friday, we reversed the process, climbing down the steps, then the car ride and climbing up my own steps. I crawled into bed afterwards to rest.

Then the nurse came to change my bandages again. It didn't hurt as much as the previous times, which may mean that the skin is healing. I hope so. I spent the rest of the afternoon dozing on and off. Today, I also spent most of my day dozing. My parents came over to share Thanksgiving leftovers. We also worked together to bake an apple pie. At some point, I became nauseous and Dad got a refill on Zofran, while Mom decorated my Christmas tree.

I am completely fatigued now. I have been doing worse on my walker than I had been earlier in the week. I think my activity took a lot out of me. I am so grateful that I was able to leave my place. Now, I wish my muscles would recover already.


  1. Oh hooray! I'm so happy to hear you were able to get out of the house- and you are able to scoot again! Fingers crossed the fatigue will ease up a little in the coming days. hugs to you my friend, and a toast. *mwah*

  2. Thanks, it was so exciting just leaving the city.
