Thursday, October 18, 2012

New chemo regimen

Dr Rubin and some of her team came to visit this morning. She said that I will start chemo tomorrow. It will be gemzar and taxotere ( like when I was on chemo for breast cancer. Dr. Rubin projected that I would have this chemo once every 21 days.

I feel like this process of switching to Radiation + chemo is like having the Air Force enter a battle previously managed only by an army. Fittingly, I received a remote control helicopter in the mail this morning from a good fried in Oregon.


  1. Hi there, Jen! Jim and I are pulling for you always.I will drink a Portland beer for you and Jim will drink a Portland Diet Coke!!!!!!

    Love to you and everyone who is there to take care of you!


  2. Thank you, Anne! Enjoy the drinks, and mostly enjoy yourselves.
