Sunday, October 14, 2012

CT scans

Yesterday, I had a fantastic visit with my godmother, Peggy. She distracted me from my hunger as I was not allowed to eat from Friday at midnight until Saturday at 3pm. I couldn't eat or drink because of being scheduled for scans. Unfortunately, the scans were not scheduled for first thing in the morning. The process of getting CT scans of my chest, abdomen, pelvis, and left leg only took about an hour and fifteen minutes, including waiting for the elevator for about 25 minutes. Ken came in the afternoon and stayed until night.

The nurses also hooked me up to a PCA pump which delivers morphine constantly into my system. When I have breakthrough pain, I can press a button and get even more morphine. It works pretty good, but it seems less effective than the oxycodone pills. The pump's alarm has gone off half a dozen times since last night. It took the nurses sometimes 15 minutes to shut off the loud ringing. This morning, the alarm on the PCA pump went off again. The pump was out of morphine. My nurse explained that the pharmacy was apparently out of morphine(!) and i would have to be on other pain meds until they found more.

Dr. Kane, who works closely with my oncologist, came to discuss my care. She was very concerned that my pain was not better controlled and that my left knee was still so swollen. She also shared that the preliminary results from the scans were that the sarcoma and the lung nodules seem to have gotten bigger.

Obviously, this is not good news. This scares the bejesus out of me. A few of you read this blog and write supportive emails. I need that. This is hard and I am so tired of having cancer. I am so tired of being in pain. I am exhausted from this year. Dr. Kane said that Dr Rubin was likely to change her approach, but I do not know what is being considered. I know this news is upsetting, but I cannot process your feelings with you. I can barely process my own feelings.

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