Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blood clot.

On Friday, Athena took me to Methodist Hospital to get an ultrasound of my legs to determine whether I had a blood clot. We got to the appointment at around 9:30 am. Sure enough, there was a blood clot. The ultrasound people sent me to the ER where they eventually gave me Percoset. The ER doctor recommended to go to Hahnemann Hospital, as that was where all my doctors were associated. We rode over in an ambulance around 5:30pm: a horribly long, famish-y, painful day in the ER

I was admitted and had to repeat the ultrasound. I was in a lot of pain and have been very sad about the news of the sarcoma. Luckily, I had people who love me come visit. My parents, Ken, Emily and Kevin, and Monica all helped me by just being there.

Last night, I barely slept due to pain, despite Percoset and morphine alternating every 2 hours.  I cried a lot and talked to my genius doctor cousin Stephanie who suggested getting a patch. I have also been given a PCA of morphine where I can press a button to get more.

At the moment, I am feeling 87%better Thani did this morning. I am still in pain, but I have hope now that I won't always be in pain.

Needle Count: 75.

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