Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stitches out

Today I got my stitches out (from when Dr. Junkin took out the cyst). It felt uncomfortable, but it was okay. By the time I felt like I needed a break, I only had 1 stitch to go.  Also, I don't have to wear the immobilizer anymore. Yay!  Dr. Junkin wants me to see an orthopedic oncologist in New Jersey. He suggested that radiation might be more effective than chemo. I hope so. 

Otherwise, I had 3 very nice visits from different friends. I can't explain how helpful these visits are. I am so isolated, even in my own apartment. I will be starting physical therapy next week, also.

Today, I didn't cry at all. I may be overwhelmed and exhausted, but I can do this. Having cancer is hard, but each moment is something I can handle. Sure, it'd be so much more handle-able if I wasn't in pain, but I can't control that. I am taking a very short, minute-by-minute view of my life. I can pretty much accept or tolerate anything for a minute.

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