Monday, August 13, 2012

Sarcoma in my leg

Athena drove me from my parents' house to Philadelphia perfectly on time for my 3:15 appointment, even with our brief stop at Stewart's for a root beer float. Unfortunately, my oncologist was running behind and we waited almost 3 hours before we saw her. I was in pain. I skipped a dose of Percoset to be alert during our time.

Dr. Rubin explained that I had a sarcoma in the muscle of my leg. She wants to start chemo tomorrow. She said this cancer has nothing to do with the breast cancer either. I cried. I am overwhelmed and sad that I have to go through chemo again. I feel like my body is not being helpful. I am angry too. What if we explored this cyst more way back in the beginning?

We came back to my apartment and Bunky was so happy to see us. Emily came over to comfort me, while Athena made phone calls to let our family know.


  1. Sending big love Jen, I believe in you, I do, I do. XO

  2. This isn't even a little bit fair. You will endure and win. You are in my daily thoughts. Right now, though, you must feel betrayed by the whole freaking world. Damn awful feeling.

  3. Jen- try not to "what if" it. Chances are pretty good that nothing would have changed if you did everything weeks or months earlier. From what I remember with my mother-in-law, scarcomas are VERY slow growing. But your young and healthy and strong and I know that you are going to beat this, too!! =) Sending good vibes & thoughts!

  4. Paul, it's been really difficuly processing this new experience. I feel so overwhelmed.

    Dee, I think you are right that the sarcoma does not grow too fast.

    Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it.

  5. Jen ~ I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I wish I could make it all go away and you'd be healthy again and even better than ever. You've been so strong through all of this and you ARE going to beat it! I'll keep you in my prayers.
