Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Battle plan for destroying Sneaky

Dr Rubin, my oncologist, just came into my hospital room and explained her plan to me. I will be getting chemo in the hospital for 3 days straight to shrink Sneaky, the tumor in my leg. Then, we will continue on a more spaced apart way. We don't have a plan for total number of treatments. We are hoping to shrink it to oblivion, like we did with breast cancer. After chemo, we will likely have radiation and surgery, though that's not definite and may relate to how badly we destroy Sneaky.

At the end of that, I will be getting a dosage of Herceptin, a protein that inhibits the growth of the kind of breast cancer that I had. I am past due for Herceptin. I was supposed to get it last week, but was in the hospital.

I feel like I am entering this terrible battle for my life and my leg. I am assembling an army to help me. I have Dr. Rubin and Dr. Lackman directing and coordinating the attacks. I have my other doctors aiming the big guns and the nurses loading them up. I need other help from you.

If you pray, please pray that chemo destroys this sarcoma.
If you practice Reiki, please send some to me.
If you are an artist, create an image of Sneaky's demise.
If you are a musician, create a soundtrack for this epic battle.
If you can create an excellent guided imagery meditation to help me visualize the annihilation of Sneaky, please send it to me. Or come here, and guide me through it
in person.
If you are funny, make me laugh.
If you are a good listener, sit with me while I cry, but don't let me stay there long.
If you are good company, sit with me and remind me that it will be ok. Tell me about a time in the future when I forget how painful 2012 is.
If you have other magical healing gifts, please share them with me.

Needle Count: 97
I feel like we should celebrate when we get to 100!

1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers constantly, Jen. Here's something I found on the Internet and thought you might like to read it, because it seems to be encouraging and uplifting: http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/2005/12/When-God-Gives-More-Than-You-Can-Handle.aspx

    Here's another one by the same person: http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/2005/12/A-Hope-And-A-Prayer-For-Cancer-Patients.aspx

    My mom had a magnet on her refrigerator that said, "EXPECT A MIRACLE." My brother, John, said at one time, "You just have to believe!" So, I'm putting the two together and I'm going to expect a miracle and believe that it will happen. Love you!
