Friday, September 14, 2012

Mr Bunky Boo Bear

I originally wrote this Monday night, but somehow saved it without posting it.
Bunk seemed to ignore me when I came home Monday night. He seemed excited about Marcy and Ken last night, but didn't try to get pets from me. He curled up on the sofabed below my feet when I went to sleep.

This morning, Ken told me that I was whimpering in my sleep and that he didn't know whether he should wake me. He said that Bunk got up and pushed himself between me and Ken. The he started purring like mad. I sort of remember Bunky cuddling me in the middle of the night. I didn't know that he did it in response to my whimpering.

Later this morning, Bunky crawled on top of the pillows that my left leg was resting on. I got nervous about him hurting my leg and I pulled him off the pillows. He wriggled out of my arms and climbed back on top of the pillows. Again, I pulled him off and again he climbed on top of my leg again. lay on top of my sore leg. Finally I just let him settle himself on top of my leg. He lowered his body slowly and then started purring like crazy, which felt pretty good.

My leg has been so sensitive to touch that I couldn't tolerate sheets or being examined. I don't know the magic that let me tolerate the hefty Bunk, but his cuddles and vibrating purring felt good.

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