Saturday, September 8, 2012

Finished chemo for this round

Today I felt terrible, like I had a flu or a really terrible hangover. I haven't eaten all day, and sometimes struggle in sipping beverages to swallow my medications.

I am at the maximum dosage for anti-nausea meds. I really hope it stays under control all night. Also, my pain drugs seem to have been perfectly titrated. At least, pain hasn't been a tremendous problem today. Really, I have just been so exhausted that I doubt that I was up for 90 minutes straight at any point today. I am writing this with one eye closed so I can focus.

Also, in physical therapy today, I walked to the hallway and back to bed. I am supposed to come home tomorrow, but may need a blood transfusion first since my hemoglobin is already super low.

Total chemo count: 10

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