Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am home. Yay!

Ken picked me up at the hospital and drove me home. The processes of getting into the wheelchair from the hospital bed and out of the wheelchair into the car were more difficult than I had imagined.

My cousins James and Dino Marcopul met us at my apartment. Marcy also met us there. I planned to scoot up the steps on my butt, but after trying for a few steps, I realized that I simply didn't have the stamina. Ken picked me up and carried me over his shoulder up the steps. Everyone else brought things up. I was horribly nauseous for a few minutes after getting into my apartment, but that passed. Then I settled into the sofa bed in my living room.

My brothers had been staying in my apartment for a little while and had completely rearranged all of the furniture to be more efficient with a wheelchair. It took me a little while to orient myself. I think I like it.

I have new prescriptions, basically the doctors doubled all of the pain drugs. Instead of waiting to get prescriptions, I just took the new doses with the old prescriptions. My body pretty quickly calmed down and wasn't in too much pain. I realized that I had probably been taking not enough pain drugs in the last few days because of the horrible nausea and dizziness I experienced from chemo. Pain free is awesome.

Ken and watched a movie, which means that he turned it on and I was drifting asleep before the title credits were through.

Today, Tuesday, I will be at my apartment all day. I have scheduled friends to visit.
8am: Nicole will pick up forms to fax to work
10am: Emily will pick up/ drop off prescriptions at Rite Aid
11am -1pm: Amy
1pm- 3pm: Hollis
3pm - 5pm: Tony
Bb5pm - 7pm: Nicole G.
6pm: Monica
8pm: Marcy
(when he is done at a show, Ken will come over).

I feel like I am setting up Babysitting services for myself. I didn't want to burn anyone out so I divided the job into 2 hour segments. I hope it works. Wednesday, my godmother will come and stay with me, so I won't need to set up this kind of support.

I feel better at home. No one woke me to take vitals, plus I get to play with the cat. I have also been hungry and thirsty, a good sign considering that I hadn't eaten since Thursday.

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