Saturday, September 15, 2012

Outside adventure

Today, Peg helped me scoot myself down the stairs and back into my wheelchair. It probably took us less than 7 minutes for me to go from upstairs to outside, with Peg making a trips up and down for the wheelchair, the leg rests, and our bags.

Oh, my! Being outside was phenomenal. The weather was sunny and warm, without being muggy or too hot. Peg wheeled me up to Dickinson, probably 5 or so blocks. We negotiated curb cut outs and crowded sidewalks. Then we sat outside at B2 and had some tea and cookies. Ken surprised us by meeting us there.

Ken "drove" me on the way back. We stayed on the sunny side of the week. I got to visit with Tony outside of his comic book store and Elissa outside of her Nice Things Shop.

My leg throbbed a little with the bumps on the sidewalk and ached when I got into the apartment. Peg and Ken both expected me to collapse into sleep right as I settled in my couchbed, but I stayed up for a few hours chitchatting. Peg made us dinner and we've been watching movies since then. I fell asleep frequently during one movie.

I have a few concerns about next week: I still need "babysitter(s)" to be around with me all day every day. If you are available to do this, please contact me with the day and a time slot (i.e. 11am-3pm, 2pm- 4pm, or 5pm - 7pm, whatever works for you). Last Tuesday, we beautifully scheduled folks to come every 2 hours. Some folks stayed longer; some folks had only the time committed to. It worked. We are also trying to get this working through, so you may get an email, too.

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